Friday, July 26, 2013

Reviews on 50 Shades of Grey

First of all, I'm not novel-lovers or someone who loves to read novels. But I did like to read novel when I was in secondary school, but I noticed the story line or plot of most novels were all the same, so I lost my interest to read novel. But then again, since everybody keep on talking about this novel, I figured why don't I just try to read this novel. Maybe it does good. and it also because people always said it's an erotic novel. cough cough.

It turns out, it doesn't really that good. It's an erotic novel based on one of the sexual intercourse type, which is BDSM. but for me, it's not that bdsm. It's slightly bdsm, but other than that the novel just has that typical story line. A guy, named Christian Grey who is successful, handsome, so called prince charming who has everything, but he has this weird type of sexual desire. He doesn't believe in relationship and make love, no "fuck hard" certain women after they sign an agreement. The agreement clearly stated a few rules, which agree that grey will be the dominant the partner needs to listen to him, which is be the submissive. Eventually, he fell in love with a pretty poor girl, named Anastasia. She signs the agreement because she likes him. But after she got beat with belt, she realized that she doesn't like it, so she just left. Basically, that is the story line. Nothing interesting but, i guess for those who doesn't know about bdsm, that novel is such an open window to the new world for them.

I don't quite understand why this novel become the one of the best-seller novel. Maybe because of the marketing stunt but for me, the story is too cliche and it's not good at all. But one thing for sure, the usage of bdsm in the novel may attract reader and i guess why people are attracted to read the novel. huhu. Anyway, it's just my personal opinion. Some may find it interesting but it's up to you. I'm giving rate for this novel 4/10.

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