Saturday, October 2, 2010

Am i afraid of love??

No Time for Love...
You'd love to fall in love, but it's just never the right time. Either you're snowed under at work, or you've got problems to sort out in other areas of your life. You're always telling yourself that you'll look for a man when you have more time and feel ready... but something always crops up! You're still convinced that one day you'll find Mr Perfect, but just not at the moment. You're waiting for the sunshine after the rain and concentrating on more earthly matters while you wait for the clouds to disperse. Whenever a friend finds their soulmate, it pricks a little voice inside that wonders if you'll ever be so lucky.
Why not take a little time to think about why you never seem to have time for love? If you don't make room for someone else in your life, you could be left waiting for your knight in shining armour... Have a look at your past. Maybe you were hurt by a difficult break-up. Go back over your failed relationships, accept why they ended and move on. Be open to love and learn to savour each and every moment of pleasure. Enjoying life is the key, othwise, how are you going to be able to enjoy your vie à deux when it comes along?

tuh jawapan dari website yg offer test for love. aku x tau nape ngan diri aku. bile de lelaki nak kenal ngan aku, aku just layan.. then, pas bape ari @ minggu, aku just dump die n cari lelaki len. nape aku ni? such a freak...
aku rase ak agak cantek, n aku agak peramah, n..tapi bile nak deal ngan lelaki soal perasaan, aku just..dash off. cam..aku takot aku kene tinggalkan balek ke @ pe.
tapi yang pelik, nape aku still mencari kalo aku da serik? nape kalo aku fikir aku x kan seryes ngna sesape aku still mencari? i mean, aku leh jek dapat kan sex partner in a blink of an eye. there is a guy that wait just outside there to sleep with me.
kalo aku fikir, aku still lagi pecaya de prince charming untuk aku, nape jek x leh cube untuk setia dan kenal mereka ngan lebih rapat?

aku x suke bile aku period, sebab aku akan fikir banyak bende. even, aku wat blog ni pon spaye aku leh tulis pe yang aku fikir, x cam kat dalam diari. at least aku x kan perlu risau cam aku risau kalo2 diari aku ilang. sometimes aku fikir dan arap sangat2 x de orang pon bace blog ni, spaye aku leh luahkan pape aku rase dan x perlu menunjukkan kelemahan aku di depan orang ramai. aku x suke sangat2 nak tunjuk betapa lemah nye aku ni. aku just fikir..sume lelaki yang nak kenal aku..just cam nak memaen jek. aku x pecaya langsung diorang nak seryes ngan aku. maybe aku...just x let get rid of my past..although aku da pon kuar dari alam whoring ni. hurmm...

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