Saturday, October 29, 2011


minggu yang sangat2 stress da pon berakhir. namun, minggu depan pon leh tahan stress nye. minggu lepas aku de test, de keje lab terakhir, dan de gak berebut keje lab ngan group len, dan de gak presentation. tang berebut lab tu, malas nak citer. kalo citer wat sakit ati jek.

so, we move on to smthing else. about presentation. we presented about philosophy of western versus philosophy of islamic. i'm not gonna talk about that presentation. i will going to talk about what happen during the process to complete the presentation slide. of course there were many obstacles, but we managed to through all of it. with the weather when we were trying to finish the slide, and the fever. ugghh.. it was really challenging me.

ok, fine. it was all my fault because the previous week, i skipped the class and tell my classmate that i was sick. apparently, when i do sick there is no way to tell them that i get sick back. that is totally insane.

so, when i got sick, i thought i can be okay. you know because, i used to face alot worse than fever, and still i can smile. so, i think, there is no way i won't make it. unfortunately, i didn't.

aku rase sangat2 x larat, dengan pening nye cam nak pecah kepala aku. aku x rase tu migrain sebab pening migrain x same lngsung cam tu. then, aku pon g jumpe doc, n waktu tu aku lupe nak cucuk duit. so, terpakse la tangguh amik ubt n MC. aku fikir nak datang balek pas abes presentation, tapi bile balek da jalan terhuyung hayang cam orang tgh high, aku rase bek x yah amik, or else aku akn pengsang ntah kat mane2 la tu.

bile esok pagi nye nak g amik, aku da rase kepala aku bertambah berat dari semalam. so, there is no way aku leh g kelas. n aku g mintak MC lg n doc sah akn aku baru la betol2 demam. deyymm.

tapi petang tu g gak lab. mati kalo x g. ngan suare x de, wat2 kan de gak la.. nak wat cam ne. minggu depan lagi stress! nak kene anta assignment biotech, de test, kene siap kn lab report. uggghhh!!!!!

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