Saturday, March 19, 2011

Judging a tough decision

I was just watched Scrubs season 1, and though i have watched it, I just like to watch it over and over again. in the episode 6, Doc Cox said he was not gonna okay with his ex-wifey because they simply did not meant for each other. that phrase makes me to think about something, about my ex.

yea, i love him, and i even pray everyday that he will come back. but then, when he does, we just...can't be together. it is like we are not meant for each other anymore. yea, i know he loves me so much, but..thing's really complicated now. i just can't believe him and give him a second chance. it's a way to hurtful. maybe, we can be friends but, that's all. not more than that. i know he will get really angry if he read this @ i tell him, but..i guess that's the way should least for now.

ugghhh! this monday i got quiz of analytic chemistry and i hope i can do better, because the last quiz, i think i did it quite good. donno whether my lecturer is happy about it, but....i am.

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