Monday, August 22, 2011


i think i'm going to be crazy right now. i wrote earlier that, i'll try to get through with him even if the bitch trying to separate us. i forgot one crucial thing, my ex.

i forgot he also trying to get me back. sometimes, i wonder does he really wants me back? i mean, if we get back together, will things get better, or worst as it were? will we get click back, and we'll be madly in love back? will he be honest with me, and tell me everything? if we'll going to have a fight, will it be really worst than my nightmare?

i don't know how to answer those, but i do know that whenever he calls me, he always say "i love you" before he hangs up. it's really sweet you know. but i still have doubt in him. he also asked me, how can he wins me back. i said, come at my home. talk to my family. i know that is way too crazy, because he's not stable yet. either he's chicken or that favor is too much for him.

he said he wants to see me this raya. donno whether he's just messing with me, or he does meant it.

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