Sunday, April 24, 2011

Migraine yang kian menjadi.

ari ni aku kene migraine dari pagi tadi. aku da telan berbiji2 paracetamol n curah minyak cap kapak kat dahi aku, tapi still migraine ni tak ilang2 lagi. mungkin esok luse ok la ni. ni bukan the worst migraine aku perna kene. just...migraine ni datang pada mase yang tak kene, which is mase aku nak stdy. bile aku migraine, it's kinda effect my ability to think, because i tend to hold on the pain, and lost my focus on studying.

lagipon salah aku gak, sebab semalam gatal g klik kat link yang slalu muncul, n donlod bile link to ask me. akhir nye, laptop aku kene virus. thank goodness, de sorang kawan aku kat tengah online. ingat nak tanya moderator kat situ, tapi kesemua moderator offline. kinda weird actually. then, member aku tu fix the prob my monitor my laptop. it took one night to fix it. okay..well, it's just a few hours but then the rest of the night he was adjusting my laptop system and install new software and change my antivirus from free version to premium. i kind of like him. hehehe. he is someone that i can hold on to. but then, i can't really always hold on him. nanti makin menjadi2 lak malas aku nak update and do everything that i need to do in order to keep my laptop...won't face any trouble.

sambil die wat keje die, aku pon layan la berbual ngan die. you know..aku kan suke berbual2. ngan orang aku x kenal pon aku leh ajak bebual. ni kan lak someone yang aku kenal la gak kat tu. aku tertido dalam pkol 5 pagi kot.. aku memang betol2 ilang diri, sebab tak tahan sangat kot. tau2 aku tersedar dalam pkol 6 lbh, die da x de n everything sume nye da okay. n he left a note.

i don't really remember whether i write this or not. i always like to choose older guy (older than me, x kire la umo die berapa), than some guy that is younger than me. it's because, whenever i need guidance, they always can be someone that will guide me and tell me what should i do, and ignore everything else. the young guy on the other, always ask my opinion on everything, sometimes when i ask his opinion for my problem, he sort of have doubt and prefer i decide it for myself. kalo cam tu serupa x yah aku tanya soklan, bek aku jawab sendiri.

when i need a guy, i don't need them to protect me, i just need them to tell me what should i do when i'm in doubt. i can protect myself, and i don't need them to protect me. it'll feels like 5 years old girl that needs protection and i'm not 5 years old girl. i'm 23 years old quite mature young girl. i've been through a lot in my life.

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